April 24, 2020

Psalm 68: 1
The Word: Psalm 68: 1 (KJV)

Let God arise, let his enemies be scattered: let them also that hate him flee before him.

Dig Deeper:
Psalm 7: 6  

Arise, O LORD, in Your anger; Lift up Yourself against the rage of my adversaries, And arouse Yourself for me; You have appointed judgment.

Think about it


To arise is to:
– Stand up, get to one’s feet, jump or leap up or become erect. 

When you are standing, there is likely to be more alertness and concentration than when you are sitting down. In a law court both when the Judge comes in to the court room and when he finishes to leave, the entire court arises as a show of respect. For the creator of the heavens and earth to arise is not a small thing. When he arises, it means he is giving undiluted attention to that case. When God arises, 4 things are automatic:

1 – The whole host of heaven arises with him. He can’t be on his feet while they are seated.
2 – He gives attention to that issue
3 – His enemies are scattered
4 – Then end of that case has come. Be it barrenness, cancer, sicknesses or problems, when God arises on a case, the end has come for that case…… 

Day 12: THE LORD SHALL ARISE. Psalm 68:1

•    Thank God for another opportunity to pray
•    Ask the Lord for mercy in any way you have falling short of His glory
•    Lord arise and let your enemies scatter
•    Lord please let every form of enemy in my life, scatter today
•    Lord arise and scatter of form of sickness in my linage
•    Lord arise let all forms of spiritual wickedness in my foundation be wasted today
•    Father please let my enemies perish at your presence
•    Father please arise and make my home you dwelling place as I surrender all to you

The book recommended for prayer and fasting – Marilyn Hickey (is very, very good. You can see synopsis / pages on Amazon. Not expensive. Brief and direct and gives you biblical reasons to fast and pray, the benefits, the health implications, different kinds of fasting and how you can develop a consistent fasting life. Hugely recommended for everyone)

Prayer focus:  Let God arise and his enemies be scattered…..

On Prayer: The power of prayer and fasting – 21 days that can change your life – Marilyn Hickey
Masterlife Workbook: The Church is embarking on weeks of discipleship workbook study starting with the Masterlife: Disciple’s cross.


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